Friday, June 17, 2011

Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)

Provide automated command, control, and communications system
for future fire support systems.

Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
enables the maneuver commander to plan and execute attacks on
the right target, at the right time, with the right weapon system
and the right munitions. It provides for maximum utilization of
the fire support assets available on an expanding battlefield.
AFATDS provides the multiservice (Army and Marine Corps)
automated fire support command, control, and communications
portion of the Army Battle Command System (ABCS) and supports
the close, deep, and rear-battle fire-support requirements
of land and littoral doctrine. AFATDS is designed for full interoperability
with the other ABCS battlefield functional areas
(BFAs) as well as with the fire support capabilities of the Navy’s
and Air Force’s command and control weapon systems.
AFATDS provides integrated, automated support for planning,
coordinating, and controlling all fire-support assets (field
artillery, mortars, close air support, naval gunfire, attack helicopter,
and offensive electronic warfare) and for executing counterfire,
interdiction, and suppression of enemy targets for close
and deep operations. AFATDS uses non-developmental,
ruggedized, common hardware/software used by the other
ABCS BFAs. AFATDS uses the results of its target-value analysis
to establish target priorities, select the best weapon system
from all fire-support assets available, and coordinate target
acquisition and sensor assets to provide targeting information
and target damage assessment data.
Through interoperability with Air Force Theater Battle
Management Core System, AFATDS will be able to recommend
tasks for close air support of ground troops, as well as track and
maintain joint air targets. The AFATDS Joint Maritime
Command Information System interface allows for the
exchange of friendly and enemy-unit information and battlefield
geometry messages between the Army and USMC. The
AFATDS-Naval Fire Control System interface will provide for
Naval gunfire support. AFATDS software is being developed in
incremental, fieldable versions to accommodate evolving technology,
doctrine, tactics, weapons capabilities, and procedures.
Each version adds capability and functionality with AFATDS ’04
currently projected as the objective system. AFATDS follows
the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations-approved “first to
fight” fielding schedule which prioritizes fieldings to units that
will be deployed into combat first.

France: ATLAS; Germany: ADLER; Italy: SIR; Norway:
ODIN; United Kingdom: BATES.
The price and availability to sell AFATDS has been issued to
Kuwait, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Turkey. A purchase
order is in process for Portugal.

1QFY99 AFATDS ’98 limited user test and evaluation
2QFY99 AFATDS ’98 Package 11 interoperability test.
September 15, 1999 AFATDS ’02/04 contract award.
1QFY00 AFATDS ’98 materiel release.

4QFY00 AFATDS ’99 technical test readiness review.
2QFY01 AFATDS ’99 materiel release.

Software: Raytheon (Fort Wayne, IN)
Hardware: General Dynamics (Taunton, MA)

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